Alliance for Quality Construction
1330 South Valley Vista Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 90765
(909) 396-9993 fax (909) 396-1571
Pam Ackrich, Labor Relations Director
American Subcontractors Association California Inc.
PO Box 292867
Sacramento CA 95829-2867
(888) 310-2722 fax (530) 662-2865
Jordi Grant, Executive Director
Skip Daum, Legislative Advocate
Associated Roofing Contractors
of the Bay Area
8301 Edgewater Drive
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 635-8800 fax (510) 569-7663
William Callahan, Executive Director
Building Industry Association
of Southern California
1330 South Valley Vista Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 90765
(909) 396-9993 fax (909) 396-1571
Pam Ackrich, Labor Relations Director
Cal OSHA Consultation Service
10350 Heritage Park, #201
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
(562) 944-9366
California Association
of School Business Officials (CASBO)
1531 "I" Street, Ste. 310
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 447-3783 fax (916) 447-3794
Kevin Gordon, Executive Director
California's Coalition
for Adequate School Housing (C.A.S.H.)
1130 "K" Street, Ste. 210
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 448-8577 fax (916)448-7495
California Environmental Protection Agency
Contractors State License Board
9821 Business Park Drive
Sacramento, CA 95827
Department of Motor Vehicles
International Conference
of Building Officials
5360 Workman Mill Road
Whittier, CA 90601
(562) 699-0541 fax (562) 699-8031
>> Webstore
National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Building Materials Division
100 Bureau Drive Stop 8621
Gaithersberg, MD 20899
(301) 975-6719 Fax (301) 990-6891
National Roofing Contractors Association
10255 West Higgins Road, Suite 600
Rosemont, IL 60018-5607
(847) 299-9070 fax (847) 299-1183
William Good, CAE, Executive Vice President
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave.
Northwest, Washington DC 20210
(202) 219-8063 fax (202) 219-7177
Roofers Local 36
5380 Poplar Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90032 (323) 222-0251 fax (323) 222-3585
Gabriel Perea, Business Manager
Roofers Local 220
283 North Rampart, Suite F
Orange, CA 92868 (714) 939-0220 fax (714) 939-02246
Brent Beasley, Business Manager
Roofing Contractors Association
of California
2215 21st Street
Sacramento, CA 95818 (916) 456-4790 fax (916) 456-7672
Ward Connerly, Administrator
Roof Consultants Institute
7424 Chapel Hill Road
Raleigh, NC 27607 (800) 828-1902 fax (916) 859-1328
James R. Birdsong, Executive Director
South Coast AQMD
21865 E. Copley Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (800) CUT-SMOG
Dr. C. Lance Barnet
So CA Roofers & Waterproofers
Joint Apprenticeship Committee
1315 East Grand Avenue
Pomona, CA 91766
Tel: 909-469-9847
Underwriters Laboratories
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062 (847) 272-8800 fax (847) 272-8129
United Union of Roofers Waterproofers & Allied Workers
1660 L Street Northwest, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036 (202) 463-7663 fax (202) 463-6906
URCA Employee Assistance Program
Bensinger DuPont & Associates
URCA CPR/First Aid Training
Heartbeat Safety Services
1820 E. Garry Ave, Suite 115
Santa Ana, CA 92705 (800) 680-1277 fax (949) 261-6170
U.S. Department of Energy
Forrestal Building
1000 Independence Avenue Southwest
Washington DC 20585
(202) 586-5100 fax (202) 586-2707
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 7th Street Southwest
Washington DC 20590
(202)366-2981 fax (202)366-8842

State Compensation Insurance Fund ™
Contact: Malcolm Desai
Group Insurance Consultant/LAG
(323) 434-0344, or (323) 981-6607
900 Corporate Center Drive,
Monterey Park, CA 92754
Western States Roofing Contractors Association
1400 Marsten Road, Suite N
Burlingame, CA 94010-2422
(650) 548-0112 fax (650) 548-1443
Arlene Lawson, Executive Director
Workers' Compensation Action Network
1215 K Street, Suite 1500
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 554-3404 fax: (916) 554-3434